The social and psychological consequences of unemployment
*Scientific Associate of the Labour Institute/General Confederation of Labour-Confederation of Civil Servants
**Clinical Psychologist

This proposal deals with the negative psychosociological consequences of unemployment and with the view that the long-standing pursuit for a satisfying job influences in an adverse way the spiritual welfare of people and of social groups. Unemployment is experienced as an injurious-humiliating procedure of demerit and insecurity, that leads to anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem and also affects the total of the social relationships both of the person and the group.

Finally, we will try to outline an alternative proposal, that is based on the creation of centres for the support of unemployed and working people, in the context of the syndicalist movement and of the local authority, aiming at programmes of primary employment and health education in the domain of employment, as well as at psychological advice and the dynamic of the group. Encephalos 2010, 47(4):181-188.

Key words: Unemployment, social and psychological consequences.